понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

Present Tenses

Present Tenses

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
1.  Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even ..... .  

isn’t calling

hasn't called

hasn't been calling

doesn’t call

2.  As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.  

is learning

has been learning

has learnt


3.  Her family ..... from town to town ever since she can remember.  

is moving

has moved


has been moving

4.  Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead.  


is containing

has contained


5.  I ..... Mario for some time since he left Milan a few years ago.  

haven’t seen

don’t see

didn't see

aren’t seeing

6.  Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here?  

have been looking for

have looked for

look for

am looking for

7.  Jack Strom has been a postman all his life; he ..... mail to homes and offices to the people of the town.  

is delivering

has delivered

has been delivering


8.  ..... you a ride home yet since he started working in your department?  

has Sam been giving

Does Sam give

Is Sam giving

Has Sam given

9.  The Alisons have got three cars, two of which they never ..... .  

are using

have used

have not use been using

10.  Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together.  

have known

are knowing

have been knowing

11.  What ..... with yourself? There is mud all over you!  
has you been doing

are you doing

did you do

have you been doing

12.  Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now.  
are telling

have been telling

have told


13.  Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody ..... him.  

hasn’t believed

is not believing



14.  Willy ..... from his Uncle Alex since the latter immigrated to Canada.  

does not hear

have not heard

has not heard

is not hearing

15.  Today the world ..... so rapidly; things never stay the same.  


has changed

is changing

has been changing

The Gerund

изучение английского языка 

The Gerund

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
 1.  Agatha, would you mind ..... this letter on your way home?  

to mail


being mailed

 2.  Let’s get together tonight. I want to talk about ..... a new business.  



to open

 3.  The teacher had to stop several times ..... the rule because she saw that it was difficult for the children to understand it.  


to explain


 4.  I don’t have your book. I remember ..... it back to you.  

to be given

to give


 5.  I am sorry ..... having broken my promise.  




 6.  I prefer ..... jeans in winter and light shorts in summer.  


to wear


 7.  Bob found himself in an awkward situation ..... coming to see his friend too early.  




 8.  I enjoy making practical jokes about people, but I hate ..... fun of.  

being made

to make


 9.  She was a motherly soul. She asked me to come in and insisted ..... my taking a cup of tea with the family.  




 10.  Anne was able to keep the kids still ..... telling them an interesting story.  



instead of

 11.  I would like ..... you and some of my other friends for dinner some time.  



to invite

 12.  Your reproach is not fair. I am surprised ..... your having said this.  




 13.  I don’t like ...... to - and that, exactly, is what you are trying to do.  

to be lied

be lied

being lied

 14.  I am sorry I have forgotten ..... you my textbook. Can I have it back?  



to lend

 15.  He was suspected ..... concealing important information from the police.  




The Conditional Mood

The Conditional Mood

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
1.  If he had sold out everything yesterday in the day time, he ..... for home immediately.  

would leave

would have left

should have left

2.  He looked at his watch and decided that it was time ..... another phone call.  

he made

he make

he would make

3.  Paul is as cool as a cucumber. It is strange that he ..... in the fight.  

should have got involved

should get involved

got involved

4.  I am afraid to lose my job; my boss picks on me all the time. What would you do if you ..... in my shoes?  


would be

had been

5.  If Rita hadn’t immigrated to Canada, she ..... my next door neighbor.  

would still be

should still be

would have still been

6.  Herald ..... us Christmas greetings if he knew our address in Glasgow.  

would send

would have sent


7.  With the sudden change of the weather the guide ordered that the tourists ..... to the camp.  

should return



8.  Cora called me yesterday. She sounded as though she ..... in a panic.  


had been

would be

9.  If you were not busy tomorrow I ..... you to go on a picnic with us.  

would invite


will invite

10.  Look at your face and hands. If only your mother ..... you now!  

would see

could see

could have seen

11.  She started to sob and it looked as if her heart ..... .  


would break

had broken

12.  I don’t feel like going out tonight. I’d rather ..... at home.  



would stay

13.  Jeremy suggested they ..... sightseeing on the very first day of their arrival in Tokyo.  


should go

could go

14.  I’d rather you ..... me with washing up. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.  



should have

15.  We have been walking for two hours. I am so tired. If only we ..... a taxi!  

had found

should find

could find

Sequence of Tenses

Sequence of Tenses

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
 1.  George was worried if ..... enough time to finish his report for the conference.  

would he have

he would have

will have

 2.  Len was mistaken when he said that Marion ..... to her new flat the following   month.  

would have moved

would be moving


 3.  I told Sarah that Anne worked in a shoe shop, and she ..... that she didn't get enough money for her job.  

was always complaining

always was complaining

had always been complaining

 4.  Sam asked Romeo what ..... with himself the entire Saturday.  

would he be doing

would be he doing

he would be doing

 5.  Cindy was not sure if the delegation ..... or not, and she didn't know whom to ask about it.  


was arriving

had arrived

 6.  The personel manager was interested ..... to quit my present job.  

why had I decided

why I had decided

why I decided

 7.  Jerry said that by the end of the year he ..... in his new house for four years.  

would have been living

would be living

would live

 8.  Julia said that she ..... hard for the past few weeks and was very tired.  

had been working

was working


 9.  The pupil explained to the teacher that he couldn't come to school that day because he ..... .  

was ill

had been ill

is ill

has been ill

 10.  Mark replied he didn’t think Jane ..... by the following Sunday yet.  

would have arrived

would arrive

had arrived

 11.  Hillary told me she ..... in New-York all that year, and she had no wish to leave the city.  


had lived

was living

 12.  Mary warned his parents that ..... home late that night.  

she would come


had come

 13.  Did you say ..... very early the following morning?  

you would have to get up

would you have to get up

will you have to get up

 14.  Why did you say that Paul ..... a careful driver?  



hadn't been

 15.  Tom said that he had been late for work that morning, and he added that he ..... before.  

had never been late

was never late

never had been late

Passive Voice or Active ?

Passive Voice or Active ?

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
 1.  The books must ..... by 12 December.  

be returned

have returned

will be returned

 2.  The five great lakes of the world ..... in Michigan.  

can find

can be found

can found

 3.  The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.  

will have been reconstructed

is being reconstructed

will be reconstructed

 4.  The secretary ..... to her new boss yesterday.  


was introduced

is introduced

 5.  Not much ..... about the accident since that time.  

has said


has been said

 6.  A prize ..... to whoever solves this equation.  

will be giving

will be given


 7.  He ..... responsible for the accident.  

is holding

was holding

was held

 8.  Football ..... for hundred of years.  

has played

has been played

was played

 9.  This is a large hall. Many parties ..... here.  

are held

are being held

has been held

 10.  People ..... this road very often.  

aren't used

don't use

haven't used

 11.  A famous architect ..... the bridge.  

was built


have built

 12.  The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ..... in Ann Arbor.  



is located

 13.  The house ..... by a pop star.  


was bought

have bought

 14.  I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow.  


have finished

be finished

 15.  When I came to the party, John ..... home.  

had already been gone

had already gone

was gone