понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

Present Tenses

Present Tenses

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.
1.  Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even ..... .  

isn’t calling

hasn't called

hasn't been calling

doesn’t call

2.  As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much.  

is learning

has been learning

has learnt


3.  Her family ..... from town to town ever since she can remember.  

is moving

has moved


has been moving

4.  Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead.  


is containing

has contained


5.  I ..... Mario for some time since he left Milan a few years ago.  

haven’t seen

don’t see

didn't see

aren’t seeing

6.  Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here?  

have been looking for

have looked for

look for

am looking for

7.  Jack Strom has been a postman all his life; he ..... mail to homes and offices to the people of the town.  

is delivering

has delivered

has been delivering


8.  ..... you a ride home yet since he started working in your department?  

has Sam been giving

Does Sam give

Is Sam giving

Has Sam given

9.  The Alisons have got three cars, two of which they never ..... .  

are using

have used

have not use been using

10.  Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together.  

have known

are knowing

have been knowing

11.  What ..... with yourself? There is mud all over you!  
has you been doing

are you doing

did you do

have you been doing

12.  Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now.  
are telling

have been telling

have told


13.  Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody ..... him.  

hasn’t believed

is not believing



14.  Willy ..... from his Uncle Alex since the latter immigrated to Canada.  

does not hear

have not heard

has not heard

is not hearing

15.  Today the world ..... so rapidly; things never stay the same.  


has changed

is changing

has been changing

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